Black Moon Lilith: Alchemical Liberation of The Dark Divine Feminine


The Dark Divine Feminine Power has been the most oppressed energy individually and collectively… unlocking it is integral for our healing, wholeness, harmony, empowerment and freedom… 

Black Moon Lilith is the archetype of this lost power of forgotten feminine magic, our wild untamed nature, our empowered sovereignty.

She holds a unique energetic signature within each of us, that is mirrored in the blueprint of our Astrological Birth Chart. Where she shows up in our chart illuminates an aspect of one of our darkest shadows and greatest potentials that we are gifted with… 

A place that is deeply oppressed, feared, self-rejected AS WELL AS immensely empowering, liberating and healing when reclaimed. 

Are you ready to liberate your lost magic? Your sovereign power? Your sacred desires?

In this 2 hour, 1-on-1 Session we will:

🌙 Gain clarity around what Black Moon Lilith represents in your Birth Chart, how she’s showing up in your life (patterns, karma & destiny)

🌙 Divine Timing and your unique astrological transits

🌙 A Somatic Alchemical journey into embodying your Dark Divine Feminine Sovereign Power, unlocking your Sacred Desires, clearing any unconscious patterns holding you back, and reclaiming your Lost Self

🌙 A customized Tantric practice for embodied integration

This is a 1-on-1 , 2 hr, recorded zoom session

Be ready to get raw, real and perhaps vulnerable. This is a safe container to explore the depths of your soul, the more you let go – the deeper we can go.

Go ALL IN with my 12 Session 1-on-1 Coaching Journey, Inner Power: The Sovereign Feminine

Read below about my understanding behind the Mythology of Lilith and the significance it holds for our personal and collective well being…

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The Dark Divine Feminine Power has been the most oppressed energy individually and collectively… unlocking it is integral for our healing, wholeness, harmony, empowerment and freedom… 

Black Moon Lilith is the archetype of this lost power of forgotten feminine magic, our wild untamed nature, our empowered sovereignty.

She holds a unique energetic signature within each of us, that is mirrored in the blueprint of our Astrological Birth Chart. Where she shows up in our chart illuminates an aspect of one of our darkest shadows and greatest potentials that we are gifted with… 

A place that is deeply oppressed, feared, self-rejected AS WELL AS immensely empowering, liberating and healing when reclaimed. 

Are you ready to liberate your lost magic? Your sovereign power? Your sacred desires?

In this 2 hour, 1-on-1 Session we will:

🌙 Gain clarity around what Black Moon Lilith represents in your Birth Chart, how she’s showing up in your life (patterns, karma & destiny)

🌙 Divine Timing and your unique astrological transits

🌙 A Somatic Alchemical journey into embodying your Dark Divine Feminine Sovereign Power, unlocking your Sacred Desires, clearing any unconscious patterns holding you back, and reclaiming your Lost Self

🌙 A customized Tantric practice for embodied integration

This is a 1-on-1 , 2 hr, recorded zoom session

Be ready to get raw, real and perhaps vulnerable. This is a safe container to explore the depths of your soul, the more you let go – the deeper we can go.

Go ALL IN with my 12 Session 1-on-1 Coaching Journey, Inner Power: The Sovereign Feminine

Read below about my understanding behind the Mythology of Lilith and the significance it holds for our personal and collective well being…

The Dark Divine Feminine Power has been the most oppressed energy individually and collectively… unlocking it is integral for our healing, wholeness, harmony, empowerment and freedom… 

Black Moon Lilith is the archetype of this lost power of forgotten feminine magic, our wild untamed nature, our empowered sovereignty.

She holds a unique energetic signature within each of us, that is mirrored in the blueprint of our Astrological Birth Chart. Where she shows up in our chart illuminates an aspect of one of our darkest shadows and greatest potentials that we are gifted with… 

A place that is deeply oppressed, feared, self-rejected AS WELL AS immensely empowering, liberating and healing when reclaimed. 

Are you ready to liberate your lost magic? Your sovereign power? Your sacred desires?

In this 2 hour, 1-on-1 Session we will:

🌙 Gain clarity around what Black Moon Lilith represents in your Birth Chart, how she’s showing up in your life (patterns, karma & destiny)

🌙 Divine Timing and your unique astrological transits

🌙 A Somatic Alchemical journey into embodying your Dark Divine Feminine Sovereign Power, unlocking your Sacred Desires, clearing any unconscious patterns holding you back, and reclaiming your Lost Self

🌙 A customized Tantric practice for embodied integration

This is a 1-on-1 , 2 hr, recorded zoom session

Be ready to get raw, real and perhaps vulnerable. This is a safe container to explore the depths of your soul, the more you let go – the deeper we can go.

Go ALL IN with my 12 Session 1-on-1 Coaching Journey, Inner Power: The Sovereign Feminine

Read below about my understanding behind the Mythology of Lilith and the significance it holds for our personal and collective well being…

In essence, Lilith was Adam’s first wife in the garden of Eden - they were created from the same Earth. Lilith wanted sovereignty and equality but Adam wanted her to be subordinate to him. She left, so she could be free and live in alignment with her Truth…. Eve was then created from Adam’s rib, so he could have power over her. 

Religious Mythology demonizes Lilith - as an archetype to be feared… they say she was *cast* to the darkness to live as a demon and have demonic babies. She is often depicted as a seductive temptress who preys on men and newborn infants, seeking revenge for her perceived mistreatment by Adam and God.

What does that origin story tell you about how we’ve been coded to relate to darkness? 

To me, I see this deep thread of Karma… triggering us to come into harmony with our “darkness”. Our darkness being the parts of ourselves that we have cast out, repressed, denied… the parts we have perceived as “evil”, “bad”, “demonic”. 

And do you see how this “evil” has been weaved from the desire for sovereignty and autonomy? Do you see how “evil” has been portrayed through aeons as something to be feared? Do you see how if we play into that narrative, we are really just afraid of ourselves? Our freedom, autonomy, wildness and the deep mysterious, sensual nature of the feminine? 

Many prophecies have said, our epoch has to come to terms with evil… *evil* is just a shell wrapped around the parts of ourselves that we have denied, we have denied our True nature. And we will never have peace or harmony until we’ve accepted this part of ourselves, the part of humanity. 

Calling something *evil* is the spell that actually creates it, feeds it, empowers it… I do not relate to *evil* as *evil* - I relate to it as the shadow aspect that needs compassionate loving presence… it needs to be heard, recognized, felt and embodied as an integral part of Self. When we relate to it in that way, it is stripped of any “demonic”, “evil” qualities and it blossoms into it’s True Nature - our True Nature of Innocence, Unity, Beauty, Love, Clarity, Harmony...

Darkness is not the enemy - our disdain of it is…

Our attempts to transcend darkness (be higher, better than, win over it) has really just been spiritual bypassing - we must transcend AND include it, in order to be integrated and whole.

“Evil” is something that is created when one transcends darkness without including it THROUGH the heart… it can be something that unconsciously hijacks one’s life, or something that one consciously uses without the heart - for selfish gain over the will of others.

Embracing Lilith as an archetype to be embodied is the path to becoming whole again. No one is cast out of the garden, we all live in harmony. 

I for one have compassion for Lilith, and resonate with her sacred desire for autonomy in the garden. I too, have the desire - and am choosing to quench that thirst in my life. She is not a demon here to prey on babies… she is your Truth and Sovereignty knocking at your door asking for you to let her in. 

Will you answer the call? Most of us are still too afraid to live our sovereignty… because the fear has literally been coded into our DNA through religious and cultural power dynamics.

Do you see the karmic thread? 

We’ve been stuck in thinking we need to free ourselves FROM darkness, when we actually need to free ourselves THROUGH darkness.

We don’t need to WIN the war OVER it… 

we need to END the war WITH it. 

The darkness literally holds the key to our Wholeness, our Harmony, our Divinity.

Lilith, I respect your free will and sovereignty… 

I can’t help but include how this origin mythology has played out on the external in the fight of slavery/freedom between male/female, black/white, mind/body, government/people etc.

None of these issues are actually fundamentally healed… they cannot be until we individually and collectively heal the internal war between “dark and light”, “evil and good”… 

In occult mythology there is a belief that Lilith, came back to the garden of Eden as the serpent…

The serpent (Lilith) is seen as a symbol of feminine power, wisdom, and liberation. Instead of being portrayed as a demonic figure or succubus, she is revered as a goddess of knowledge and enlightenment. In this context, the serpent is not a malevolent tempter but a wise and compassionate guide who offers Adam and Eve the opportunity to attain spiritual awakening and self-awareness.

Lilith's association with the serpent in the Garden of Eden is often seen as a metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge, free will, and the exploration of forbidden truths. By tempting Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Lilith is portrayed as a liberator who challenges the oppressive structures of authority and ignorance.

This occult interpretation of Lilith as the serpent in the Garden of Eden emphasizes themes of rebellion, autonomy, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. It offers a provocative reimagining of the biblical story, presenting Lilith as a powerful and empowering figure who defies conventional morality and invites humanity to embrace its divine potential.

Lilith knows, that she is God, she has her own free-will and agency as God. Our entire journey as humans is to realize God consciousness, to wake up as WHOLE and integrated Creators.

We cannot do that until we embrace this Lilith archetype - until we embrace what we have perceived as “evil” or “demonic”.

Because until we do - our “free-will” will be hijacked by our shadow nature… meaning, we won’t be able to be, act and behave will full integrity, with full knowledge of Self… 

In other words, our Will, will never be FREE - because we are not FREE. The only way to actualize FREE WILL is to become FREE - the only way to become FREE, is to FREE the parts of ourselves we have repressed, denied, shamed, rejected, felt guilty of and isolated ourselves from.. aka the parts of ourselves/the collective we have seen as “bad”, “evil”… 

…and this understanding is the higher purpose behind my mission, my service to you - and my desire for True FREEDOM.

…and if this was all confusing for you - I invite you into this somatic coaching container, where you will have the embodied experience of healing and integrating your darkness.

Thanks for Reading,

Xo Emily