Soul Mirror Sessions

…Know Thyself Through The Blueprints of Your Soul…

See Yourself With Clarity & Unlock Your Inner Truth

The Gene Keys, Human Design & Astrology

Soul Mirror Sessions

Alchemy Ascension Codes: Human Design + Gene Keys + Astrology
from $945.00
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SOUL LEGACY: Your Life’s Work & Purpose Codes
from $599.00
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Black Moon Lilith: Alchemical Liberation of The Dark Divine Feminine
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VENUS CODES: Your Map To Wealth, Magnetism and Love
from $599.00
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Gene Keys Profile Session
from $333.00
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Astrology Session
from $333.00
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Human Design Profile Session
from $333.00
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Go deeper with me in a multiple session coaching container…

  • Custom Coaching Container

    Create a Life From Your Soul’s Truth Instead of Your Trauma

    Your intention leads our journey.

    This can include Somatic Coaching and all of your Soul blueprints. What are you looking to get out of our time together? What challenges are you currently facing? What is your core desire?

  • Magnetic: Unlock The Way For Soul Mate Love & Intimacy

    Magnetize True Love From Personal Power and Pleasure Instead of Unhealed Pain

    My Signature Relationships Coaching Container

  • Inner Power: The Sovereign Feminine

    Take my hand into the inner world of your untapped Feminine power…

    The body of your wisdom. The whispers of your intuition. The secrets of your sexuality. Ride the serpent of your primal power. To the home of your Eternal Wholeness…

    Where you unleash the power of your innate gifts and the courage to follow them.

Or Apply Directly Below


Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly. I am so excited to connect ~

Answer whatever questions feel right/inspiring to you.

The more I get, the more i’ll understand how to work with you - Xo

What People Are Saying…

Just experienced a profound Life's Work session with the incredible Emily. Her insights are truly transformative. She guided me on a soulful odyssey through my Gene Keys, Human Design, and astrological blueprint, illuminating the narrative of my essence. Every insight resonated to my core, making me feel seen and recognized on a spiritual level.

The depth of the Life's Work perspective was invaluable as I craft my brand's identity; it highlighted my innate talents and how to align my branding with my soul's calling. This has infused me with energy, bolstered my confidence, and granted me the courage to step into my rightful space. @Emily's somatic coaching offered an authentic, tangible connection to my innermost wisdom, releasing blockages and fears that were holding me back.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to explore her extraordinary work. She's a gem! 💎

-Anaelle Coulon


Emily is an extraordinary coach whose grounded and spiritual approach has transformed me. Her guidance through inner child work and gene keys exploration sparked deep self-discovery and clarity about my purpose. With her non-judgmental support and practical tools, I’ve found a new sense of self. I’m profoundly grateful for the journey and the remarkable growth it has brought.

-Joel S


The session Emily led me through in April 2021 was one of the strongest experiences I have had in my personal and spiritual development. The activation of my gene keys map started a life long process which led me to a deeper and more conscious way of living. 

The Gene keys teaching influences every decision I make and connects me to untouchable parts of my life. 

I have been a professional life and spiritual coach for ten years and I am happy that GK are becoming a part of my practice. 

Emily is a great guide through this profound teaching and I wish her a lot of happy clients.

If you look for a deep and awakening experience, Emily is the perfect choice.

-Štěpánka Hojdová


“I started working with Emily over 1.5 years ago & she absolutely blew my mind with what was going on in my life & how it relates to the Gene Keys. It led me down a path of deep healing & showed me blind spots that I needed to work on. She is extremely intuitive & guides you in the best possible way for what needs to come next for your evolution. If you’re thinking about working with Emily, I highly recommend it!

-Zach H


“Words cannot express my deepest gratitude for all of the unconditional love, wisdom, grace, patience, and so much more, that Emily poured into me during our sessions together. Her heart-centered guidance has been one of the biggest blessings in my life, opening my own heart in ways I never knew possible. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with her.”

-Kelly M


“The presence & essence emily emanates is an unwavering unfolding of love, truth & eloquence. The gene keys seem to dance within her as she precipitates their guidance with absolute wonder & grace. I am only just beginning my journey and every moment seems to uncover another layer as I learn to embrace, release & embody within every aspect of existence. Synchronicities become sharper, grace becomes clearer. This is an opportunity to empower & expand the limiting beliefs of our conditioned reality. The quintessence of these keys are just waiting for your curiosity to tap into their infinite reservoir. They are the literal keys to coherence as they subconsciously soften, forgive and gently transcend our awareness- a symbolic synergism intrinsic to every being. Emily has become this beautiful, intuitive, conduit, to receive the most enigmatic elixirs of being.  I am honored to work with her and am in complete awe as we flow from the activation sequence into the Venus sequence.

Rising in love & trust, 

Grace & Gratitude,”

-Ashley LL


“It is hard to put into words the role Emily has played in my current evolution. From Emily I received an energy that is deeply connected to All that is. She is so elaquent in unveiling the energy and qualities of the gene keys and interpreting them to benefit the individual from what she sees in their entire chart. The wisdom flowing from her being is truly magic to witness and receive. Working with Emily I felt safe, heard, held, and guided with loving compassion. My experience going through the Activation Sequence with Emily was profound. I feel great shifts coming from within and with continued integration and use of the tools and recordings offered I find myself continuing further on this path of a grounded and compassionate understanding of Self. Life situations that once filled my being with anxiety now seem more easeful and relaxing with this new understanding of how I can use my shadows as portals to grow and how I can use the gifts and siddhis as my points of focus and live more consciously and comfortably in their frequencies. I am so grateful for this priceless experience, and look forward to beginning the Venus Sequence. Thank you Emily.”

-Corinne D


“Emily!!!!! Words cannot to justice for what you did for me! I’ve had many people “hold space“ but you embody it in such a way that allowed me to go deeper than I ever have with another human being! You bore witness to my shadow and my gifts and held steadfast With both me and my partner demonstrating our very best and our very worst! You held steady with it all! You have the capacity and have clearly embodied the work which I find is very rare at this time in the world! A true find! I wish everyone could have sessions with you and see themselves through your eyes until they Can’t see themselves clearly with their own! I absolutely cherish your gifts and hope you take them far and wide! The world needs you now more than ever! Huge love from my whole family and community because I am better out of working with you!”

-Lisa B


“Emily! Words truly cannot express how deeply thankful I am to have you as part of my expanded self awareness and quest to be the best Man, Father, partner, businessman and overall human being I can be. The Gene Keys have unlocked, unleashed and have finally given me the roadmap for reaching the higher purpose for myself that I have always desired. Your insights, awareness and ability to mentor me through this process have been life changing. I am so looking forward to our continued journey together and embracing all the wonderful gifts that await!”

-Sean S

